Tuesday 1 October 2024

Speaking Of Escapism...


Speaking Of Escapism...


Dear reader,

It has been a long time since posting anything to my personal blog, and the vast majority of the population probably couldn't care less!

But, I thought I would share anyway.

It was about time I paid a tiny bit of love to old faithful, even if the vast majority of my content now goes towards by blogs such as DBG or design blog. I even have another project website I have launched but more on that later.

The musings and thoughts of an unimportant man.


It IS okay to have an escape

From the time we go to school, right up to the age of when we're in our mid 60's ready for retirement, many of us live our life 'through' work and even for work. Now don't get me wrong... having a good job and a job that you at least partially enjoy is important. But there should be more to you and us than our 9 – 5.

A danger of hinging all of your happiness and meaning on your job, it can take little more than a miserable client, an angry boss, or a rude customer to ruin your 'only' channel of happiness. Note how I highlighted 'only'.

In excess, what I believe to be another addictive and unhealthy trait – being over-obsessed with achievement.

Achievement equals happiness for some.
Win = happiness
Lose = Sad

Black and white and binary.

We like to be productive. I like to be productive! That feeling of working towards something better is a good thing. And it is. But it can take us away from being present and enjoying the moment, Basically enjoying life. It also ramps up stress too.  ( BBC Post in this link )

 Obsessing with achieving, can put you in a cycle of win, lose. Either way, it can become a vicious cycle. I also think it's this mantra is what can lead us to become workaholics. Remember that there are states of life outside of win and lose, achieve and under achieve. Do it for your own mental well being! 

Speaking Of Escapism - Workaholic! 

Work all day, spend hours commuting to and from work, and have no energy to be happy or speak to your family and friends in the evening.

Sound like a familiar life balance to you?

When working in London, I have had plenty of these periods. And I dare say that I will have more in time to come. But do look back and think about how much of my 'me' I spent at the work place. Be it freelance or my day job.

And worst still, I can't even remember half of it. I wish I gave more time to joy, not time to time wasters of those that don't value my time or knowledge.

Just remember pinch yourself sometimes and remember there is life outside of where you are. Whether it's your own business or for your employer. 

I'm & restless soul

I am a restless soul by nature, so pouring my energy into something whether it being trying to earn money and make a decent living or occupying myself with making stuff . I like to be doing 'something' whether for leisure or making a living. 

I also fundamentally realised I don't draw with the intent of making a fortune - I don't know of many wealthy artists in the modern world. I do, however, draw because it's my passion, It is also how I relax and vent my stifled imagination from the humdrum of everyday living. I need a vent!

You can form escape plans... but

Escape plans are great, but I would also remember to enjoy yourself too.

I'm currently in the middle of teaching myself new skills and looking working on new project as part of this teaching. It is called Game Gunk.com - all about indie games and computer gaming in general.

Will see what I learn in the meantime.

I think I can hear my partner putting the TV on... maybe Bake Off - biscuit week. 

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