Sunday, 27 July 2014

BUTTROCK! - (Bumrock) photo from Talland Bay near Polperro in Cornwall

Bumrock near Polperro

Bottoms Up

Well this a blast from the past. I figured that this bit of fun should grace the internet! lets call it a 10 year anniversary for good measure. 

This photo was taken around the time of the carefree days prior to uni and PCAD - simple times as you can tell. This piece of photography came about by chance, I remember looking at the rounded stones and thinking... (not a lot) well probably went something like this.

"Mate, go between those rocks stick your arses in the air!... left a bit, right! Good!' Click!

And now you have it a, a sea of apparent arses carved from natural landscape in one monochrome photo. I was most likely hoping for reactions such as:

'Oh my word!' China sets flung everywhere
'Oh my days! Doily all askew and monocles popping out left right and centre! 

Well it was fun. Photo taken near Polperro at Talland Bay. - Models Ritchie Crane and Darrell Butler. - Prints were available.

- Jolly Hockey Sticks!

copy right JD ODELL